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The Definitive Guide To Enterprise Online Proofing

The proofing process is certainly nothing new and has been around since the printing process was first invented. 

The objective of proofing is to verify that the print job is accurate, especially regarding the color and design. However, back then, the only way to perform a proofing process is to print a printed sample. This pre-press proof can be smaller in size than the actual printed product to save cost or printed in black and white if we only want to check the content. 

Then, the computer was invented, and now we can show the simulation of the print result on a monitor. Later on, we can also send proof files over email, which is the primary way to perform proofing for many design and printing agencies. 

All of these methods are siloed and inefficient, and the bigger an enterprise is, the more complicated the proofing process will be. We all know how collaborating over emails can be a very confusing and challenging task, especially when it involves hundreds of emails in a very long thread. 

This is where enterprise online proofing comes in. 

What Is Online Proofing? 

Online proofing is a cloud-based online proofing software that is a centralized hub for everyone involved in the proofing process to communicate and collaborate in real-time. 

As a result, online proofing will streamline the proofing and approval processes by: 

  • Allowing everyone to access proof files on any devices regardless of content type, and those who want to access the proof file won’t need to download any app or software
  • Providing real-time communication (commenting) features and multi-format markup tools in a single platform.
  • Partial or whole automation of repetitive tasks like version tracking, notifications when a new proof file arrives, and so on. 

With online proofing, both the print/design agency enterprise and the client and other parties involved in the proofing process will get more transparency and accountability throughout the whole process, allowing the printed products to be delivered faster and more accurately.

Signs Your Company Needs Enterprise Online Proofing.

The most significant benefit of adopting online proofing is to ensure projects stay on time and budget. However, missed deadlines are often just the symptom of more underlying causes, and here are some critical indicators that your enterprise could benefit from online proofing 

  • High frequency of compliance and regulatory issues

If your enterprise is a part of an industry with strict compliance requirements and heavy regulations; for example, the healthcare industry, financial services/fintech, hospitality, etc., your marketing content needs to meet these strict legal compliance requirements. You simply can’t afford mistakes.  

For example, marketing items like brand compliance statements, disclosures, marketing materials targeted to children, substantiation, and others might be required to meet certain compliance requirements. If you are not meeting these requirements, not only do you risk exposing your enterprise to financial and legal issues but there can also be long-term damage to your reputation. 

Enterprise online proofing, in this case, can help your marketing team and stakeholders have more control over the complex approval and review processes while simultaneously promoting transparency and accountability.

All comments and feedback are correctly archived, and you can easily track which version of each proof the comment is tied to. Also, everyone involved in the project will receive automated notifications to ensure accuracy is maintained and everyone is on the same page. Aproove also supports strict authentication functions, limiting which team members can see and edit specific proof files.

  • High-volume of time-sensitive content

Another sign that you can benefit from having enterprise online proofing in place is if your company produces a high volume of time-critical content. For example, if your company must frequently produce advertising content in printed form (as well as digital form). Restaurants, for example, might be required to regularly update the menu while maintaining accuracy with a tight turnaround timeframe. 

In this case, online proofing and online review software can help eliminate various obstacles in managing high volumes of content approval and help ensure accuracy while maintaining timely delivery. 

  • Your enterprise’s approval processes involve many people and/or many steps

If your marketing and creative projects involve a high number of stakeholders and reviewers, or if the projects are highly complex, then online proofing becomes a necessity to keep things under control and/or on time. 

Online proofing makes it easy for your stakeholders to provide real-time comments and can use markup tools to get their point across with context-rich feedback effectively. Stakeholders can engage other reviewers on their comments, keeping proofs moving forward to achieve their objectives. 

  • Too many versions of proofs with each project

Ineffective proofing and review processes can cause lengthy revision cycles, producing too many versions of proof files. Keeping track of all these versions can be a significant hurdle: you might need to search hundreds of emails in a thread to find a specific version to clear a dispute. 

On the other hand, online proofing can effectively reduce version sprawls by allowing context-rich, real-time feedback. On the other hand, there are comparison tools to quickly view different versions side-by-side, which can help you manage versions and maintain accuracy.  


Enterprise online proofing provides your business the most effective way to produce higher volumes of content across many channels while maintaining tight turnaround time and accuracy. 

Online proofing helps facilitate approval and review from both internal and external stakeholders. It is imperative to meet strict regulatory compliance requirements with your content continuously.

The post The Definitive Guide To Enterprise Online Proofing appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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