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Localizing for France: 4 Things to Consider

If referring to simpler purposes of the localization, experts say it is as a key for brands, services or companies to go global. It is not that a party just requests such a quick immersion to a particular market, but there must be enormous research, understanding of one or another cultural sensitivity, as well as local market knowledge. Let’s pretend you want to go global starting with France. 

France with its romantic, cherishing the ears tone of the French language is the real deal for many businesses. As of now, French serves as an official language in 29 countries. By delivering your service messages in it, you have a great opportunity of reaching even the clients from Rwanda, Côte D’Ivoire, DR Congo, alongside leads in Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada. Yet, you should also understand that you cannot just take your business information, and just convert it with the French translation. There will be obligatory considerations from the marketers and other accomplished traduction specialists about the channels where you place the message, alongside symbols and colors accompanying. 

Interested in localizing for France? Let’s share some things to consider first prior to diving into this cruel business world.

4 Major Things to Consider with French Market

First off, it is important to mention the necessity of your previous knowledge regarding the localization processes. Normally, it is all simple as ABC when you already did it with other countries before. If you have no specific knowledge, and France is going to become your first global platform, the importance of hiring professionals is inevitable. Okay, let’s move to the actual 4 major things to consider.

#1 Know Your Potential Audience

Prior to moving your business or brand to a particular country, you should spend at least several days identifying your potential audience or better-to-say consumers and clients. You should understand whether, with them, you have boosted or poor chances of making some profit. With Translate.com, you can easily translate your key messages to French, but will it be the point with no appropriate group of consumers?

To not beat about the bust, France is the country where the biggest group of consumers is reserved per people over 35 and under 49 on average. You might be surprised because modern companies strive to mostly cover the needs of millennials because of their online shopping practices, however, they only come second. 

Then, another perk you need to understand is the effects of the pandemic. Due to the COVID-19, French e-commerce won’t be linked to a very rapid rise. For example, the penetration of it by 2025 is estimated only at 78%. Learn more about the French CAGR (Compound annual growth rate), here.

If all the above-mentioned numbers are pretty fine for you, you should definitely think of translating your business into French. Agree that a French-speaking person who enters your website, and sees key information with French translation, it is a higher probability for them to stay and buy something. 

#2 Learn the Features of the French Market

It is very obvious advice, however, prior to proceeding with localization to France, you need to overlook some statistics, numbers, polls, and charts related to the market out there. For instance, check it all here.

For instance, it would be fair to say that “2020 e-commerce” there was valued at approximately $114.4 billion. Moreover, it is expected to grow by $203.57 billion by 2026. What about major companies that you can deal with in terms of the competition? There are such big fishes as Amazon, Auchan, Cdiscount, and Vente-Privee used by over 25% of French e-commerce shoppers. They all have French Traduction, that’s why it is not a big surprise regarding their popularity.

Then, do not forget about such things as logistics, payment methods where Cartes Bancaires still gain the lead among shopping. Everything should cater to the French language.

#3 Check What Local Shoppers Buy the Most

Even though you might want to enter that market with specific products, you should never underestimate the primary demands of the local residents. In simple terms, it means that if they love using banking cards, they will be hard to persuade to start using e-wallets, you know.

Nowadays, French people are too into fashion shopping with shoes, expensive bags, and accessories. And, do you know what? It does not concern only women, because this country is a place for equal fashionistas. Then, most domestic and local shops fully cover their cravings regarding fashion. So, it is a pretty rare practice to order something from America among others. 

The tip with this thing is obvious – just research what the demand for your service, business or particular product is there. 

#4 Understand Why France Over Other Countries

Last but not least thing to consider is just your firm desire to choose France with the further French translation over other countries and their languages. To make it as simple as possible for your comprehension, check the following:

  • French consumers are known hunters for discounts. Therefore, if you plan to do lots of them, you can have a huge audience;
  • They spend an average of $70 per online session. By adding some extra perks into the shopping cart while a client wants to check out, you can again hook them on that offer;
  • French e-commerce is protected following the latest encryption and privacy rules. Beyond that, upon the request you can hire professionals who can secure your business online sphere;
  • It is the best country where you want your goods to be purchased via mobile gadgets. Accordingly, all your services should not be just fit for French traduction with Translate.com but also to the mobile screen sizes.

That’s just the basics, and you can discover many other reasons to proceed with the localization in France.

The Bottom Line

You should definitely consider France when you need e-commerce types of shoppers or buyers of services. This is a country where people are easily hooked on fashion things, and where marketing specialists may make miracles. Yet, to go global in this country, you should obligatorily translate your key messages into French. 


The post Localizing for France: 4 Things to Consider appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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