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What is a Sales Funnel in Digital Marketing?

A sales funnel in digital marketing is a visualized path that customers undergo every time they buy your product online. This concept is based on the idea that all customers are led through more or less the same phases when making a purchase.

The sales funnel is an important part of the marketing strategy.

You may ask yourself:” Why do I need a digital marketing strategy?”. You need it to understand your potential customers, their habits, and what they have to go through to reach the conversion point on your website.

We’ll take you through an entire process from the beginning to the narrow end.

A Sales Funnel in Digital Marketing – Step by Step

We will divide the sales funnel into five stages:

  1. Awareness
  2. Consideration
  3. Preference
  4. Purchase
  5. Loyalty


1.     Awareness

This is the top phase of the sales funnel. In this phase, your potential customers are getting acquainted with your brand as they try to find a solution for their particular problem.

If you want to make money, your customers first have to know that your product exists on the market

There are numerous ways to promote your business. For example, you can advertise on social media, by direct mail, hold events, webinars.

You can even create an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy that will target low-intent keywords from users who may not even realize they’re interested in buying from you.

Some will make it to the next phase, while others will drop out and choose another solution to their problem. The most important thing in this phase is making sure you target relevant audiences that have the potential to buy your products.

2.     Consideration

In this stage, the customer is well aware of your brand. Now you have to convince them that you have the solution to their problem.

A potential buyer is more likely to trust the opinion of those who have already purchased your product. So you should include customer feedback on your site to help convince undecisive potential buyers.

Include a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section that can help your customers with their main issues, doubts, or any confusion that they might have.

The goal is to remove any doubt that potential buyers might have regarding the efficiency of your product.

3.     Conversion

In this sales funnel stage, your potential customers have a better understanding of your product. They now know what you can offer them as a solution for their problems.

This is the stage where you have to go that “extra mile” to convince them to choose your product. This can be done effectively in more than one way.

A Free Trial is one of the best solutions for indecisive customers. This will allow them to try your product and be sure that they will make a good decision by purchasing it.

Provide information on the number of satisfied customers. This way you will make them feel at ease about their decision to buy from you.

Include customer support, personalized emails, and limited-time offers.

This is the phase where you make it or break it.

4.     Purchase

This phase of the sales funnel is vital for your business. It is the purpose of all previous stages.

At this point, the customer has decided that your product is worth their money. If they had a pleasant experience overall, they would refer your product to other people, which brings us back to the first phase – awareness.

5.     Retention

The work is almost done. The last phase of the sales funnel is to make your customers loyal to your brand.

Give them a reason to come back. Build products that meet or exceed customer expectations and offer them at a reasonable price.

Make your customers feel special by offering them special discounts for loyal customers and informing them of your new products.

You have to maintain a conversation with them and use their feedback to improve the upper stages of the sales funnel.


8 Benefits of A Sales Funnel in Digital Marketing

There are many mistakes that you can make when creating your funnel. The most common are weak offers, unattractive design, ignoring analytic data, too many steps in your funnel, and many more.

To avoid most of these, consider working with professionals. Digital marketing companies specialize in marketing strategies, and they can add great value to your business.

Your business will benefit from digital marketing funnels in more than one way. Here are just eight benefits of using a sales funnel:

  1. The benefit of attracting new customers. Every time you make a sale is an opportunity to draw more people to your business. A satisfied customer is the best commercial for any business.
  2. The benefit of helping you focus on the right buyers. The funnel stages help you understand the motivations driving your potential clients to research and purchase your products. This helps you use your time and resources working on the sales that have potential rather than spending too much time on ones that will just never convert.
  3. The benefit of gaining opportunities to improve your business. The sales funnel helps identify problems before they become too big to handle. It is a process of trial and error.
  4. The benefit of building a long-lasting relationship. This is almost impossible without the sales funnel in digital marketing. You have to plan each step to become trustworthy and build loyalty with your customers.
  5. The benefit of measuring the traffic on your website. This will help you to predict your sales. With a strong indication of your upcoming sales and profits, you should be able to develop an effective sales plan. It can also help you with budgeting and risk management.
  6. The benefit of engaging with buyers. You can get valuable information about the root of your customers’ needs by implementing sales funnel into your marketing strategy. Gathering information from customers helps you choose the right marketing strategy for your business.
  7. The benefit of your business measurability. The funnel can show where you’re losing customers to help adjust your strategy.  For example, if you are losing customers before they ever get to the second stage of your funnel, you probably need a better brand awareness campaign.
  8. The benefit of better understanding your buyer’s journey. A structured marketing plan and the various stages of the funnel allow you to fine-tune your marketing strategy to increase sales. That is the ultimate goal.


Your brand needs to have a logical, practical, and effective sales funnel so you can attract potential clients and convert them into paying customers.

By slowly getting acquainted with your audience and, most importantly, by providing value, you set your company up for long-term success.

Remember that you can control your customers’ behavior from top to bottom with a proper sales funnel.

With careful analysis, a sales funnel lets you know what your business must do to influence your customers at certain funnel stages.

Ultimately, your marketing funnel sorts the serious prospects from the onlookers, which results in a much higher conversion rate.

The post What is a Sales Funnel in Digital Marketing? appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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