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5 Ways to Improve the Conversion Rate of Your Website’s Service Pages

Your service pages are some of the most important elements of your business’s website. People will visit these pages when they’re thinking about making a purchase with you. So, to ensure you secure as many conversions as possible, you need to ensure that your service pages are fully optimized to catch leads.

In this article, we’re going to provide you with our top tips for improving the conversion rate of your service pages. Try out these techniques and it shouldn’t be long before you start to see an increase in sales.

Highlight your service’s USPs above the fold

Your unique selling points, or USPs, are what set your business apart from your competitors. So, when you’re designing and writing copy for your website’s service pages, you need to ensure that you put them front and center.

Before going into any detail about the likes of your service’s features or the associated costs, shine a spotlight on exactly what helps you to stand out from the crowd and how you can truly help your customers.

Can you save website visitors time or money? Do you deliver your services in a way that’s particularly unique? This information should be communicated above the fold of your service pages, which means people won’t need to scroll down to see it.

Let’s take a look at one company that always gets this right.

RMIT Online is an educational organization that offers a wide range of programs and courses. The factor that helps them to stand out from the rest of the competition is that their teaching is conducted 100% online, so their courses can be taken by anyone anywhere.

This is obviously a huge selling point, so they make sure it’s communicated before anything else. For example, on their course page for their Graduate Certificate in Data Science, you can see that they’ve highlighted their 100% online principle twice in the top left-hand corner. Website visitors don’t even need to scroll to get clarification.

The fact that all of their lessons are held online will likely be the detail that convinces a lot of prospective students to actually enroll, so focusing on highlighting it is incredibly important for RMIT Online. Take inspiration from the organization and consider what kinds of details your customers will be interested in above anything else. Then, make sure you shine a light on this all-important information before explaining anything else about your services.

Tell visitors to make a purchase with strong calls to action

A mistake a lot of online business owners make is that they neglect to add effective calls to action to their service pages. Calls to action are simple instructions that your customers can follow to learn more about your company or invest in what you have to offer.

It might seem simple, but sometimes website visitors simply need to be told exactly what to do next. So, if you don’t have clear calls to action on your selling pages, you could be missing out on a lot of sales.

For the best results, you’ll need to put plenty of thought into getting the design and wording of your calls to action right. Firstly, you need to ensure that your instructions are hard to miss. So, you’ll typically want to place them on a clickable button that is bright and bold. Choosing a color that contrasts well against the background of your service page will give you the best results.

The placement of your calls to action is also incredibly important. Again, including one above the fold can be effective, as people won’t need to scroll to see it. You should also include a call to action alongside any important information that might convince someone to make a purchase, so they can do so there and then.

There are also some best practices you should keep in mind when writing your call to action copy. For instance, you should:

  • Use a strong command verb
  • Create a sense of urgency with words like “now” and “today”
  • Tap into your customers’ fear of missing out by implying a sense of scarcity
  • Make sure you highlight if you’re offering something for free

These tactics will help you to create powerful call-to-action buttons that do a great job of improving the conversion rate of your service pages.

Always provide concrete proof of your abilities

People will only spend money with your business if they’re convinced that they can trust you to deliver on your promises. So, you’ll need to provide concrete proof of your skills and expertise. Social proof is the perfect tool for this.

Online shoppers are smart and can also be a little skeptical, so they won’t just take your word for it when you say you’re great at what you do. Fortunately, you can use the likes of customer reviews and testimonials, media mentions, and evidence of your industry qualifications or awards to back you up.

Always ask current or past clients for their feedback about your services, and make sure you display their most positive comments on your related service pages. Then, when people are reading more about what you can do for them, they’ll see that others just like them have truly benefited from your offerings.

There are a number of different ways you can display customer reviews. For instance, you could use star ratings to show off your positive reputation at a glance, or you could provide written or video testimonials to give a lot more context about what you do and what kinds of results you tend to achieve.

If you have other forms of proof that you’re great at what you do, such as recognition from industry publications, awards, or relevant qualifications, these are all worth highlighting on your service pages, too. The more evidence you can give, the more confident people will feel about trusting you!

Let’s take a look at a business that does a great job of winning customers’ trust with social proof on its service page.

FreshBooks is an accounting software provider and they showcase some fantastic reviews on their service page. As you can see above, they use a combination of a high star rating and a written testimonial to earn website visitors’ trust.

Their ideal audience is made up of freelancers and small business owners, so they’ve made sure to choose a testimonial that addresses one of their biggest pain points. People who own their own businesses don’t want to have to spend more time and energy on managing their money, so this review states that FreshBooks has made this user’s life much easier and that they wish they had started using the tool sooner. This is likely to push more people towards investing in this service sooner rather than later.

Another thing worth noting is that the testimonial is accompanied by the provider’s name, job title, and headshot. As previously mentioned, online shoppers can be quite skeptical, so this helps to give the review more credibility. This is something you should consider replicating on your own website for the best possible results.

Make taking the next step very simple

The quicker people can graduate from landing on your service page to becoming a fully-fledged paying customer, the more likely they’ll be to invest in what you have to offer. So, when creating your service pages, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to take the next step with your business.

Here are just three of the main tactics you can use to remove friction from the experience and make hiring you as easy as possible:

  • Provide a clear call to action that tells website visitors exactly what to do or where to go
  • Make it incredibly easy for people to get in touch with any questions or concerns
  • Provide a calculator or search tool that will help people to find the best service to suit their needs

Providing a great user experience with your website is of the utmost importance when you’re trying to improve your conversion rate. So, look for any areas where it may not be as easy as it could be for people to find what they need and take the next steps with your business. Then, make the necessary adjustments to ensure moving through your sales funnel is very simple.

Choose your service page imagery carefully

Finally, the imagery you use on your service pages can make or break a sale, so you’ll want to put plenty of thought into what kinds of pictures you’re going to use. Just keep in mind that your ultimate goal should be to show your business in the best possible light.

There are a number of approaches you can take with your service page visuals. For instance, you could:

  • Show photos of your staff to put faces to your name
  • Show off your brand’s personality
  • Provide a visual representation of the results you get for clients
  • Use graphics to outline the processes you typically follow
  • Use images of people who represent your audience so prospective customers know your services have been designed just for them

The images you choose to use can have a huge impact on your brand identity and how people perceive your business. So, put plenty of thought into what you want to convey and achieve, then pick out each picture accordingly.



Your website’s service pages are incredibly important, so you’ll want to get them right. Take these tips on board and it shouldn’t be long before you start to see a rise in sales. Highlighting your USPs before anything else, choosing the right visuals, and showcasing social proof of your abilities can be the key to boosting your conversion rate and growing your business.

And, if you would like some additional help with running and growing your business, make sure you check out Tweak Your Biz’s business section for even more expert advice.

The post 5 Ways to Improve the Conversion Rate of Your Website’s Service Pages appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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