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6 Most Common Workplace Health Hazards and What Employers Can Do to Avoid Them

The last thing you want on your plate as an entrepreneur working to develop a great business is a workplace accident. These mishaps can result in bodily injury as well as undue stress for you and your co-workers.

When workplace accidents occur, the injured employee may be required to take time off. This results in a loss of production since the remainder of the team must compensate for the person who is absent. Furthermore, such incidents might make your other workers feel insecure at work, resulting in a loss of enthusiasm and morale.

Data from a Health and Safety Executive survey reveal that slip and fall incidents are the most prevalent cause of non-fatal workplace injuries and account for 29 percent of cases. These incidents can have serious legal and financial consequences, resulting in workers’ compensation claims as well as lawsuits. What follows is a time-consuming litigation that can stifle your company’s growth and result in significant financial damages.

To avoid instances like these, company owners must promote awareness and foster a culture of safety in the workplace. To do so, you must be aware of the major causes of workplace injuries and develop a safety strategy that addresses all of these possible hazards.

The following is a list of the most prevalent causes of workplace accidents, as well as what companies may do to safeguard their employees’ health and wellbeing.


Slip and fall incidents

Slip and fall incidents are the most difficult to prevent, despite being the most prevalent cause of non-fatal workplace injuries. They can occur as a result of a variety of circumstances, such as wet floors, strewn garbage, unsecured cords, or poorly illuminated places.

According to the lawyers at LegalExpert.co.uk, a worker who has a moderate shoulder injury as a result of a workplace accident is eligible to compensation ranging from £7,410 to £11,980. If the employee decides to seek compensation for PTSD as a result of the event, the employer will have to pay an additional £7,000 out of his or her own money.

Employers must teach their employees and provide adequate equipment to clear up spills or debris, as well as remove risks that may cause a slip and fall accident, to avoid these circumstances. What’s more, facility supervisors should continually monitor the area and label possible dangers such as loose cords, uneven floors, and ice surfaces, so that they may be avoided by any individual until they are remedied.

Physical overwork

Low back pain is the greatest cause of disability in the world, costing businesses more than $7 billion every year. Most back discomfort is work-related, caused by extended sitting, moving heavy things, standing for several hours each day, or driving for lengthy periods of time.

Physical overwork, also known as overexertion, often has long-term consequences for an employee, resulting in them being unable to do their work and requiring medical care for the rest of their lives.

Employers may avoid these problems by learning about ergonomics, which is the science of fitting the job to the demands of the body. Allowing regular breaks for employees who undertake repetitive physical jobs, providing suitable lifting equipment, and encouraging employees to monitor their health are some examples.

Falling from unsecured platforms

Falls from a higher height are the major cause of construction worker deaths. There isn’t a day that goes by that these workers aren’t at risk of falling from lofty places and seriously harming themselves, if not worse.

Poorly designed structures are the primary cause of these incidents, followed by a lack of or inappropriate usage of safety devices.

Businesses in the construction sector should give adequate training on how to utilize safety equipment for every person that works on the building site in order to safeguard their staff. At the same time, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide fall protective equipment for all personnel who work at heights.

Vehicle accidents

Employees who drive for work are continuously exposed to traffic risks. This includes elements such as a careless driver, inclement weather, and malfunctioning cars, all of which can contribute to automobile accidents.

Drivers of cars and trucks who spend their days on the road are not the only ones who are vulnerable to collisions. The same is true for personnel who move vehicles within a plant, such as forklift and tractor operators.

Businesses must emphasize safe driving regulations and teach personnel on defensive driving in order to avoid accidents. This will guarantee that drivers are prepared to deal with the numerous unexpected scenarios that may arise on the road and remain safe.

Electrical hazards

While it is true that individuals who deal with electrical machinery are more likely to be electrocuted, electrocution-related injuries can occur in any type of institution. The most prevalent causes are exposed cables and malfunctioning electrical outlets.

It is critical that the building’s electrical system be evaluated on a regular basis to guarantee there are no possible problems. Even if the operation is as easy as replacing an outlet, all electrical work should be done by competent individuals.

Employees working near power lines and underground cables should be properly warned about any potential electrical hazards so that they may prevent accidents and do their jobs safely.

Violence in the workplace

Even now, workplace violence is a widespread occurrence. It might begin with disagreements among co-workers, consumer attacks, behavioural issues, and so forth. These concerns are particularly widespread among employees that interact with the public, such as those working in retail or delivery. Dog attacks are also included in this category.

To avoid this, staff exposed to these conditions should get violence training and be encouraged to report any suspicious behaviour as soon as feasible. Employees should also be encouraged to always pull out of a situation that may jeopardize their safety, without fear of losing their job.

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