Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Recently, an HR professional on Twitter asked for book recommendations on recruitment and HR-related topics. It sparked a great list, and frankly, I didn’t want to forget it…so I thought I would publish the list here. That way I can refer to it as I’m looking for books to add to my HR library. I hope you find it helpful as well.
The list is in alpha order. And if you have a recommendation, feel free to add a comment! I think this could become a great reference for others.
“A Guide to Diversity Talent Sourcing: How to attract and hire diverse candidates using Boolean strings and tools online” by Jonathan Kidder
“A World of Good: Lessons from Around the World in Improving the Employee Experience” by Gethin Nadin
“The 9 Faces of HR: A Disruptor’s Guide to Mastering Innovation and Driving Real Change” by Kris Dunn. Oh, and when you have a moment, check out my interview with Kris about the book.
“Becoming a Peaceful Powered Leader: How to Shed Fear, Live Courageously, and Own Your Peace” by Jared Narlock
“Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career” by Laurie Ruettimann. I spoke with Laurie about her book last year.
“Confessions of an HR Pro: Stories of Defeat & Triumph” by Julie Turney
“Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues” by Bruce Waller
“Don’t Feed the Elephants!: Overcoming the Art of Avoidance to Build Powerful Partnerships” by Sarah Noll Wilson
“Elemental Change: Making stuff happen when nothing stands still” by Neil Usher
“The Elemental Workplace: The 12 Elements for Creating a Fantastic Workplace for Everyone” by Neil Usher
“The Energized Workplace: Designing Organizations where People Flourish” by Perry Timms
“Full Stack Recruiter: The Ultimate Edition” by Jan Tegze
“Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Organizations Need and Employees Want” by Beverly Kaye & Julie Winkle Giulioni
“HR on Purpose: Developing Deliberate People Passion” by Steve Browne
“HR Rising!!: From Ownership to Leadership” by Steve Browne
“The Human Resource Professional’s Guide to Change Management: Practical Tools and Techniques to Enact Meaningful and Lasting Organizational Change” by Melanie Peacock
“Introduction to HR Technologies: Understand How to Use Technology to Improve Performance and Processes” by Stacey Harris
“Launch Your HR Career” by Natalie Ellis
“Lead at the Top of Your Game: How to Deliver Compelling Influence, Drive Differentiating Value, and Build an Impeccable Leadership Brand” by Karan Ferrell-Rhodes
“The Little Book of Kindness” by Be the Ripple
“Manager Onboarding: 5 Steps for Setting New Leaders Up for Success” by Sharlyn Lauby (Some very nice person recommended my work.)
“Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive.” By Julie Winkle Giulioni
“Recognition Rebooted: A Smarter Approach to Employee Recognition” by Sam Jenniges
“The Recruiter’s Handbook: A Complete Guide for Sourcing, Selecting, and Engaging the Best Talent” by Sharlyn Lauby (Thanks again for the shout out!)
“Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance” by Lars Schmidt
“Reshaping HR: The Role of HR in Organizational Change” by Julie Hodges and Mark Crabtree
“Road Signs on the High Road of Life” by Lauren Ann Schieffer
“The Robot-Proof Recruiter: A Survival Guide for Recruitment and Sourcing Professionals” by Katrina Collier
“Stop Collaborate and Listen: Developing Impactful HR Partnerships through Collaboration” by Tina Marie Wohlfield
“The Talent Fix: A Leader’s Guide to Recruiting Great Talent” by Tim Sackett
“Talent Sourced: A Comprehensive Guide to Sourcing Talent Online” by Jonathan Kidder
“Transformational HR: How Human Resources Can Create Value and Impact Business Strategy” by Perry Timms
“Unlocking High Performance: How to use performance management to engage and empower employees to reach their full potential” by Jason Lauritsen
The hardest part with a list like this is where to start. There are so many wonderful titles. My recommendation is look at which ones might be directly related to something you’re working on right now. Are you researching the purchase of new technology? If so, Stacey Harris’ book on “Introduction to HR Technologies” could be perfect. Or maybe you’re redesigning the employee recognition program and want to check out “Recognition Rebooted” by Sam Jenniges.
I’m sure whatever you choose, it will be beneficial. Happy Reading!
Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby after speaking at the SHRM Annual Conference in Orlando, FL
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