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How Blogging Benefits Your Business and Marketing

There are over 5 billion people who connect to the internet every day which makes this a great time to start considering including blogging in your marketing strategy. Blogging drives traffic to websites, helps businesses promote their products and services, increases online visibility, and helps businesses build trust with their current and potential customers. In this article, we will look at some benefits of creating a blog that drives traffic and inbound links to your website.


It Drives Traffic

This is perhaps the most important reason you should add a blog to your website. Every business wants more customers and, if the business has invested in online marketing, many of these customers will come from the internet.

There are several ways people could find you online: they may already know your business name or domain name, so it becomes easy to look you up; you could buy an email list (this is not advisable) and hope they click on your links; you could pay for traffic; or you could let them find you organically.

For growing businesses, you want people to find you easily without spending a lot of money to get them on your website. Blogging is one of the best ways of improving your SEO which, when done right, can drive sizable traffic to your website.

When you publish a blog post, you get one more indexed page, and this means an additional opportunity for people to find you. Additionally, publishing often shows Google that your website is active. This makes it more likely that their bots will visit your website often to see the latest updates.

Driving traffic using your blog requires that you build your blog the right way, do prepared keyword research, and write content people will love. If you can be informative and helpful, people will visit your website multiple times which can help improve its ranking for more visibility and traffic.

You Can Use Your Content on Social Media

Digital marketing also encompasses social media marketing. For your social marketing efforts to be effective you need to post often and stay in touch with the community you have created. Instead of thinking of new content all the time, you can repurpose some of the content already on your blog into social media posts. You have already done the hard work of researching and creating this content, and repurposing it means a higher return on investment in both the time and cost it took to create.

Creating new content for your blog also gives visitors content they can share on their own social media accounts. When they do, they increase your brand’s reach and visibility while introducing you to new audiences at the same time. The result of all this is strengthened social media reach, additional content for better search engine ranking, and an increase in traffic from both.

A Blog Can Help Convert Traffic into Leads

As a business, you need leads so you can get them into your sales funnel which ends with them becoming paying customers. Understanding this, you need a way to convert the visitors you are getting by blogging into leads.

Each article you post is an opportunity to generate leads, and you can do this by using calls to action on each post you create.  These calls to action can include whitepapers, free eBooks, trials, webinars, fact sheets, or any valuable assets that could entice visitors to leave their contact information in exchange for the asset. You can pass the leads generated by these calls to action to the sales and marketing team for further outreach. This is how you turn traffic into leads.

Remember that it is almost impossible to convert 100% of your leads. What you can do, however, is set a benchmark for yourself and try to surpass it each month by tweaking your lead generation strategies.

It Helps with Link Building

We know that the number of authoritative backlinks that lead to your webpage is one of the ranking factors used by Google when ranking pages on their search result pages. Marketers who have seen great success with their link building consider it the third most important ranking metric. With it being so important, it is still one of the most challenging parts of doing proper SEO. Blogging can help make it less so.

When you create great content that is helpful to your audience and potential customers, it spreads beyond this demographic and can be noticed by industry leaders. If the content is good enough, it will earn relevant backlinks. Links from authoritative websites are a vote of confidence in you as an authority on a subject. They are also a signal to Google that you are an expert and authority figure.

Starting a blog for your business can seem like a waste of time and money but doing so has tangible and measurable benefits for businesses doing it. These benefits will depend on how you approach blogging, but there is no doubt that you should add it to your digital marketing strategy.

The post How Blogging Benefits Your Business and Marketing appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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