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Link Building Outreach Field Guide

So you’re trying to build a small army of backlinks from high-quality, authoritative websites to boost your SEO rankings and work toward page one on Google.

The problem is putting together and executing a link building outreach plan can be overwhelming for many.

Where do you start? What is the most efficient way of building outreach, and what tools may you need?

After studying all there is to know about link building outreach, comparing key tools for the outreach process, and leaning on our marketing knowledge, we have put together a link building outreach guide to make your experience as smooth as possible!

Our guide will map out everything you need to know from

  • Benefits of link building
  • Skills needed for a link building outreach campaign
  • Link Building outreach process
  • Tips to improve the success of your outreach campaign
  • Best link building outreach tools

The first step toward building a successful link building campaign is understanding what is link building outreach.

First, What Is Link Building Outreach?

Link building outreach is the process of connecting with website owners, guest bloggers, and other third-party content publishers with the goal of securing backlinks to your site.

It’s an essential part of any SEO strategy that shouldn’t be overlooked due to its importance in boosting your rankings on Google.

Numerous benefits can be gained by obtaining quality links to web pages with quality content.

What Are The Benefits of Link Building?

Link building has many different facets to it. There are many paths you can take when you’re looking to build links. Link building has many benefits, from helping your website gain traction with search engines to increased website traffic and more.

Below is a more in-depth look at what benefits could mean for you and your website with a proper link building strategy.

1. Improve Search Engine Rankings

The main benefit of link building is the impact it can have on your SEO rankings. By acquiring more backlinks, search engines are able to detect that your website has authoritative content and therefore rank it higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

The different ways to improve search rankings vary from guest posts and blogger outreach from a link request.

2. Increased Website Traffic

Link building can also help bring in more visitors. Higher-ranking websites tend to get more clicks, which means more potential customers for your business.

Not only can link building increase website traffic, but you can gain high-quality backlinks through authoritative sites if done correctly.

3. Build Credibility With Your Audience

When you are able to get backlinks from high-quality, authoritative websites, it can be a great way to build credibility with your audience.

Links from these types of websites can help show potential customers that you’re a reliable source and that you have quality content worth visiting.

These links also act as a form of digital word-of-mouth, improving your reputation and showing customers that other reputable companies are vouching for you.

Building credibility with audience for link building outreach

Building credibility with your audience is an important part of any successful marketing strategy, and link building can help make it happen.

Remember, always think of quality over quantity! You want to gain as many backlinks as possible, but don’t get lazy and sacrifice valuable links for a high number of sites that don’t match your brand.

4. Build Website Domain Authority

Link building helps to increase your website’s domain authority. Domain authority (DA) is a metric determined by search engine algorithms and measures the strength of a particular website in relation to other websites on the Internet.

The stronger your DA, the higher you will rank on SERPs. Link building increases your website’s DA by showing search engines that your website is trusted and has valuable content.

The more high-quality backlinks you have pointing to your website, the higher your DA will be, leading to higher rankings on Google!

5. Build Brand Awareness

Link building can also help build brand awareness. As mentioned above, getting links from authoritative websites helps to build credibility with your audience and potential customers.

By having other quality websites link back to yours, you’re able to gain more visibility online and increase the chances of people finding and visiting your website.

Brand awareness for link building outreach

It’s a great way to get your brand out there and let potential customers know you exist.

Link building is an important part of any SEO strategy and can have numerous benefits for your website. It can help improve rankings on SERPs, increase website traffic, build credibility with your audience, increase DA, and our last benefit…

6. Boost Referrals

Finally, link building can help boost referrals. When a website links to yours, they are essentially recommending your content to its readers.

This recommendation helps to increase the chances that more people will find and visit your website, leading to more referrals.

A great way to receive a boost in referrals is by aiming your link building campaign at relevant websites related to yours.

Skills Needed for a Successful Link Building Campaign

Starting a successful link building outreach is like a lot of things in life; it takes varying skills to find success.

When thinking of link building, everyone thinks of technical/computer skills, which are needed, but having creativity and interpersonal skills are vital too.

Creativity to come up with great ideas and interpersonal skills to communicate your message effectively.

You will also need research skills to understand what content resonates with the audience, as well as writing skills to compose emails that people want to open and read.

Cold email outreach can be difficult, but there is a way to be successful if you develop specific skills.

Let’s take a closer look at some specific skills needed and what they can bring to the table for your future linking opportunities!

Technical SEO Skills

Technical SEO skills are one of the most important parts of link building. While maybe not the most exciting part of the process, these skills can help you build links, improve your search rankings, and streamline a process that can be time-consuming.

Having a good grasp of HTML, JavaScript, and other coding languages will always help to create a quality experience for your website.

Knowing how to audit websites for technical issues such as page speed, broken links, and redirects is also crucial.

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is a key skill needed for successful outreach campaigns.

It’s essential to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas and strategies that can help you stand out from the crowd.

Creative thinking for a link building guide

For example, creating infographics or guest blog posts about interesting topics related to your niche can be a great way to grab the attention of potential customers.

Not only is creative thinking helpful for building outreach with different email ideas, but the type of client outreach itself.

Targeting your niche is important, but don’t be afraid to widen your vision to potential sites that may be related to your niche or topic!

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are also an important part of link-building. You need strong communication and persuasion skills when reaching out to potential websites for backlinks.

At its core, a link building outreach campaign is mainly networking. You have to be convincing and likable at the same time.

Don’t be afraid to throw some personality into your outreach campaigns! Being creative and showing a personable side will warm up a cold contact rather quickly.

Link Building Outreach Process

Link building outreach can seem daunting at first, but it’s really not that complicated.

The process consists of four simple steps: research, outreach, follow-up, and measurement.


Researching potential websites is the first step in successful link building outreach campaigns. Look for authoritative and relevant websites related to your niche or topic and make sure they are reputable sources.


Once you’ve gathered a list of possible sites to target, you’ll need to reach out to them with an offering, such as a guest blog post or infographic. Keep the emails personalized and value-driven in order for them to take notice!

Follow Up

You should always follow up after sending an initial email. This is an important part of the process because it shows you are serious and dedicated to getting a response back.


The last step in link building outreach is measurement. Tracking metrics such as link clicks, traffic, and conversions will help give you an idea of which websites are working and which ones aren’t.

Now that we’ve discussed a little bit about what goes into link building efforts let’s take a look at more specific details about your outreach campaigns.

1. Find a Website You’d Like a Link From

The best way to start building links is by finding a website you’d like to link from. There are many different ways to do this, but the simplest and most effective way is to use search engine tools such as Google and Bing.

Find a website to link from for link building outreach

Type in keywords related to your niche or topic into the search engine and look for websites that offer quality content and a good user experience. Make sure they are reputable websites.

There are also great SEO tools out there to use, such as…

Use a Great SEO Tool

Ahrefs, SEM Rush, and Majestic are all great SEO tools for link building outreach.

They provide detailed information about website metrics such as domain authority, page authority, and backlinks. You can also use these tools to research potential link building opportunities and track the progress of your campaigns.

Ahrefs- A powerful link building tool that provides detailed information about a website’s backlinks. It can help you analyze potential link prospects and track the progress of your campaigns.

SEM Rush- A comprehensive SEO platform that offers a wide range of features such as keyword tracking, domain comparison, backlink analysis, and more.

It’s great for researching potential websites to target, monitoring rankings, and keeping track of your outreach efforts.

Majestic- A do-it-all SEO tool for finding relevant websites with high domain authority for link building outreach. It helps you analyze website data and track your link building campaigns.

Look in Your Niche

Finally, always look in your niche or industry for potential websites to link from.

There may be some hidden gems out there that you weren’t aware of before! Reach out to these sites and ask if they would consider featuring your content on their website in exchange for a backlink.

Don’t forget existing connections you may already have. While reaching out to new websites is exciting and, if done successfully, will definitely grow your site, if you have already formed relationships, maybe there is a new angle for both sides to work together!

Look Outside Your Niche

Don’t be afraid to look outside of your niche or industry for potential link building opportunities.

You can find websites related to your topic that are not directly related to your niche but still offer quality content and a good user experience.

This is a great way to build relationships with other websites and add more authority to your own site.

Branching out to other niches that aren’t directly related to your niche can help grow your contacts; just make sure not to stray too far from the foundation of your site!

2. Get an Email Address

Once you have identified websites you’d like to target for link building, the next step is to get an email address.

You can use a variety of tools to quickly find the correct email address from any website.

These tools are incredibly user-friendly and will help speed up your results. One tool that is recommended would be Hunter.IO.

Hunter.IO is a tool that helps you find contact information quickly and easily, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and social media profiles. It uses advanced algorithms to search the web for any website’s most up-to-date contact details.

Using Hunter.IO is simple – all you have to do is enter the URL of the website you are looking for, and Hunter.IO will find the contact details in minutes!

3. Craft the Perfect Pitch

So, you have all the email contacts for the prospective web pages you’d like to work with…Now what!!?

Now comes the important part of perfecting your pitch! This may be the most vital part of all outreach campaigns.

A lot of successful sites owners are flooded with spam and different pitches, so you need to be UNIQUE and EYE-CATCHING…especially with your subject line.

Crafting perfect pitch for link building outreach

Being a good salesperson can be very helpful in getting the reaction you want. Promoting yourself and what services you can provide the client is vital to them perceiving value in your pitch.

Cold email outreach can be challenging because of the affiliation it has with spam emails. Distinguishing yourself from “any other email” that ends up in the trash bin can be tricky.

Outreach for the sake of link building services can be as much an art as it is a science. You have to believe what you’re selling!

Create a Good Subject Line

Your subject line should be specific, complete, and concise, and it should also be as eye-catching and relevant to the content in your email as possible.

Try to use keywords that are relevant to the topic you have researched (i.e., “Link Building Opportunity for Your Site”). Be sure to keep it short.

Provide Value

Provide value in your email. It is crucial to demonstrate how the content you are offering is relevant and beneficial for your target website.

This can be done by mentioning any benefits or advantages that may come as a result of featuring your content on their website.

You should also make sure to be courteous and polite throughout your pitch. Try to view your pitch through the eyes of your potential link partners.

Don’t Spam

Most importantly, don’t spam. Everyone hates to receive unsolicited emails, so make sure you only contact websites that can benefit from the content you are offering.

Don’t send generic messages, and always personalize your outreach emails based on the research that you have done. This will help ensure a higher response rate.

The quicker you’re able to show the website owner that you know their business and can help them as well, the more likely they are to be receptive!

Tips To Improve Success in Your Link Building Outreach Campaign

When conducting link building outreach, there are many ways to improve your success percentage.

If you’re first starting outreach campaigns, there can be a lot of trial and error as to what works and what doesn’t.

So we’re giving you seven tips to help you find success quicker with your outreach link building and email marketing mistakes to avoid!

Do Your Research

Before you even start writing your pitch, make sure you thoroughly research the page and website that you will be targeting. Knowing about their content, target audience, and history is essential for crafting a good outreach email.

It’s also important to make sure that your content matches what they need.

Ensure the content you’re offering to web pages is high quality. Any low-quality content can damage your reputation and cause you to lose out on potential opportunities.

Subject Lines Matter

The subject line is the first thing your potential partner will see, so make sure to craft one that is eye-catching and relevant. Owners of web pages get plenty of Spam emails, so your subject line needs to be short and make the owner aware this is a valuable email that can benefit them!

Personalize Everything

Personalize every email you send. Make sure to mention the website owner by name and tailor your message to their specific needs. This will help weed out the worry of spam for the owner.

Personalize everything in link building outreach

Personalized outreach shows that you have done your research and care about creating a mutually beneficial relationship with them. Aim for engagement rather than just asking for something straight away.

You don’t want to waste their time, but you want to make it evident that you want to see them succeed as well!

Use a Link Building Outreach Tool

Using a link building outreach tool can help save time in the process and keep track of your progress.

These tools provide features such as automation, tracking, and analytics that are essential for an effective outreach campaign.

Down below, we’ll list some of the best link building outreach tools to help you during your outreach link building.

Keep Track Of Your Efforts

It is vital to keep track of your outreach efforts. This will ensure that you are reaching out to the right people and not wasting time on those who will not respond positively.

Keeping track of responses, conversations, and relationships built with potential link partners can also aid in future campaigns, so you’re able to quickly see which websites were responsive and who to contact. You can also see what strategy or subject lines work better than others!

Get to the Decision Maker

When conducting outreach, it’s important that you try to speak directly to the decision-maker. This may be a little tricky since they don’t often respond as quickly as other people in the organization.

Why this can be so vital is because you want to avoid a game of “telephone” Remember that game? Where just a few people standing next to each other can’t pass CORRECT information to each other?

You want to make sure your message and strategy are being conveyed clearly and concisely to receive the best results.

It’s also important to remember that getting to them doesn’t mean you should give up on the whole campaign if you can’t reach them. You can still get great results by speaking to other people in the organization too!

At the end of the day, it’s all about getting your message across and offering something of value to potential partners. Make sure that you spend time researching before sending those emails out and focus on creating win-win relationships, so both parties benefit.

Have a Great Link Building Strategy SOP

Having an excellent strategy SOP is essential for effective link building outreach. This will ensure that you are organized and consistent with your campaign.

Your SOP should include detailed steps on research, crafting email templates, tracking progress, engaging potential partners, and everything else in between. Having a clear plan of action to refer to can help expedite the process and set you up for success.

It’s also important to remember that link building outreach is not a one-time thing – it’s an ongoing effort. Make sure to regularly audit your progress, adjust if needed, and keep track of any changes in order to optimize your efforts in the long run.

What Are the Best Link Building Outreach Tools?

We talked briefly about using outreach tools for your link building process.

But what are link building outreach tools? These tools help expedite your outreach strategy by automating some of the features for you. They also provide features like analytics and tracking to help you manage your efforts.

These tools can be crucial toward building up a website’s rankings through an entire process that is made much easier with these tools.

Some of the best link building outreach tools include Buzzstream, Pitchbox, Ninja Outreach, GroupHigh, and Hunter.io.

Each tool has its own set of features, which vary from automation to finding relevant contacts for your niche.

Down below, we’ll list off some of the best outreach tools at your disposal!

Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach is a tool for link building outreach

Ninja Outreach is a great link building outreach tool that offers features such as automated outreach campaigns, powerful prospecting tools, and customizable contact databases.

It can help you scale your process quickly by providing everything you need in one place. From research to tracking results – Ninja Outreach has it all!

You’ll also have access to an analytics dashboard which will provide insights about your outreach efforts, so you can adjust and optimize as needed.


Buzz Stream a link building outreach tool

Buzzstream is another excellent tool for link building outreach and helps streamline the process from start to finish. It allows you to quickly find and analyze potential link targets, helps with influencer outreach, follows up with prospects in a timely manner, and keeps track of all your outreach efforts in one organized place.

It also provides powerful analytics that can help you identify the best opportunities for link building, as well as areas where you might need to adjust or improve your strategy.


Buzz Sumo is a tool for link building outreach

BuzzSumo is a popular all-in-one tool for link building, content marketing, and influencer outreach. It provides features such as comprehensive analytics to help you analyze your competition and find the best opportunities.

It also offers powerful prospecting tools that allow you to quickly research potential partners or publications. BuzzSumo has reputation management, impact scoring, and trend tracking to help you realize what is working and will work for your outreach emails!


pitchbox a tool for link building outreach

Finally, we have Pitchbox – a link building outreach tool that is ideal for managing large-scale campaigns. It offers features such as automated prospecting, built-in email tracking and analytics, custom templates for your emails, and CRM integration to keep track of your results.

Pitchbox also provides sophisticated campaign management tools to help you keep track of everything in one place, making it easy to adjust and optimize your strategy.

Pitchbox tends to be pricier than other options, which is why it is popular among marketing teams and SEO agencies but is still helpful for freelancers.

Is there Anything We Missed?

Now that we’ve run through some of the best link building outreach tools let’s run through some of the best strategies and tools we discussed to make you more comfortable with your link building outreach!

Link building can be a daunting process – but with the right strategy, tips, and tools, you can build a system to make the process easier and faster. Having an SOP in place is vital to ensure consistency and organization as you progress with your campaign.

Trying to grow your website through building relationships, enhancing link building services, and SEO success with other sites can bring unlimited opportunities to you.

We hope this article helps you on your link building (and business growth) journey. Let us know in the comments if we missed anything or if you have anything you’d like to add to the article!


The post Link Building Outreach Field Guide appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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