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Custom ERP Software Vs. Off-the-shelf ERP Solutions: A Comparison

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions play a crucial part in the competitive and efficient business environment. ERP systems serve as the backbone of enterprises, connecting and coordinating a variety of activities, departments, data points and more. 

Generally speaking, ERP software development propels your business forward by equipping it with the agility, visibility and intelligence ending in thriving results. ERP systems are known for advancing your company’s operations and implementing the necessary improvements and modifications. 

ERP systems like Custom ERP or Off-the-shelf ERP systems give your business access to a full suite of integrated solutions. They allow you to streamline and automate financial operations, HR, supply chain management, and other processes. Moreover, you can increase productivity, allocate resources more efficiently, and acquire a competitive edge in the market.

This article will help you understand the difference between the two types of ERP systems. This includes an overview of each type, an ERP system cost comparison. Moreover, you will see the pros and cons of ERP systems so that you’ll be able to decide which option will be better for your business.

Types of ERP Solutions

There is no doubt in mind that ERP systems have become more popular in the business world. Although it is still a somewhat new implementation across the many business activities, it is getting more and more traction and multiple companies are adopting it to make a difference in their operations.

General Statistics

The adoption of ERP systems has dramatically expanded as companies strive for productivity and efficiency. Statistics demonstrate how ERP systems usage is becoming wider and more beneficial across many industries. 

In general terms, The ERP software market has a continuous growth of 10 to 20% each year and is projected to reach 78.40 bn by 2026. More than 50% of businesses prioritize ERP systems, making the average budget per user an estimated $9000. 

A Short Overview

As previously mentioned, there are two types of ERP solutions you can choose from. The first one is a fully customized ERP software solution and the other one is a ready-made solution.

Custom ERP solutions may typically be modified to meet the unique requirements of your business. The functionality and design of an ERP system can be completely customized taking into consideration pre-existing platforms. Usually companies reach out to software engineering companies like Waverley Software to create a uniquely tailored software, taking into account their operations, team size, peculiarities of their business, etc.

On the other hand, off-the-shelf ERP solutions are ready-made software solutions which can be purchased from multiple providers on a subscription basis that support a variety of corporate needs and industries. These options are simple to find and simple to put into practice. 

Your decision will mostly be influenced by the demands of your company and any requirements you may have. However, keep in mind that the degree of customization, the timing of implementation, the ERP system pricing,  and industry fit are probably the factors that help most people make up their mind. Let;s dive deeper into the comparison between custom vs. off-the-shelf ERP systems. 

Custom ERP System: Overview

Custom ERP systems, as their name suggests, are software programs created from the ground up to meet particular corporate goals and demands. They unify business operations into a single platform. It is totally up to the clients to decide on the scope, the functionality and the look and feel of those applications.

Which Industries Benefit from Custom ERP systems?

By offering specialized solutions to each industry’s unique needs and challenges, custom ERP systems provide significant advantages to a variety of industries. Overall, ERP systems offer benefits for most industries. Custom ERP solutions improve resource allocation, streamline procedures, boost inventory control, and support better decision-making. The following are a few of the industries that leverage these solutions. 


Retail operations, inventory control, order processing, customer relationship management (CRM), and internet sales channels are all integrated via custom ERP systems.  


Custom ERP solutions enhance appointment scheduling, inventory control, and more for the healthcare industry. They facilitate communication and improve patient care. 


Inventory control, supply chain management and streamlined by manufacturers with the aid of custom ERP systems. Moreover, these systems offer real-time visibility into inventory levels.


The healthcare industry benefits from custom ERP systems in medical supply, equipment inventory control, appointment scheduling, and billing. 

Companies such as Waverley offer you top-notch development, helping you build a custom ERP system that will meet the needs of your company. Another thing to bear in mind is that while customized ERP solutions might provide you with a number of benefits, you need also be aware of potential drawbacks. 

Pros of Custom ERP Systems

  • Your product is entirely under your control.
  • You receive total adaptability and flexibility. 
  • You increase your industry’s competitive advantage. 
  • When necessary or preferred, you can scale and modify your ERP. 

Cons of Custom ERP Systems

  • Your ERP system pricing may be higher, thereby there will be higher development costs.
  • If you concentrate entirely on customization, you may end up with a longer development time.

Ready-Made ERP Solutions: Overview

The term “ready-made ERP solutions,” also known as “off-the-shelf” or “packaged ERP solutions,” refers to pre-built software systems developed to meet the varied needs of various enterprises and organizations. Because they are developed with industry best practices and standard processes in mind, ready-made ERP solutions are suitable for businesses with relatively straightforward operations or who do not need extensive customization. 

Which Industries Benefit from Custom ERP systems?

By offering consolidated and integrated solutions to streamline business processes, ready-made ERP systems can be advantageous to a variety of companies. The following are only some of the sectors can gain from pre-built ERP systems:


Ready-made ERP solutions help automotive firms manage intricate supply chains, track parts, optimize production schedules, and streamline distribution and sales procedures. 

Food & Beverage

ERP solutions help food and beverage companies manage their manufacturing processes. These solutions offer features for recipe management, batch tracking, quality control, and traceability.  

High Tech

The electronics industry benefits from the ready-made solutions thanks to the inventory control, and product lifecycle management.


Retailers can enhance inventory control, optimize stock levels, and simplify order fulfillment procedures by implementing a ready-made software. Moreover, automated tracking and real-time inventory visibility help decrease out-of-stock situations and boost operational efficiency.

No different from the custom ERP system, the ready-made solutions can offer you great benefits, but always know that there may be some disadvantages. So always keep an eye out to foresee any challenges you may have to face. 

Pros of Ready-made ERP Solutions

  • Your business can benefit from cost savings since it offers more affordable solutions compared to the custom ERP solutions. 
  • You can benefit from ready-made ERP systems that come with pre-configured modules and functionalities. 
  • You can be sure to scale allowing your company to expand its operations with no major disruptions. 

Cons of Ready-made ERP Solutions  

  • You may face some limitations in customization as adapting to unique processes may not be suitable for all organizations. 
  • It may become difficult for your staff and may require training to adapt to new systems. 
  • Since not all solutions have all the features and functionalities that meet your needs, you could have to deal with potential gaps in the future.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Between Custom and Off-the-shelf ERP

To ensure the successful deployment and optimal functionality of an ERP system, there are numerous variables to take into consideration. So, to make wise judgments and maximize the advantages of Custom ERP vs Ready-made ERP implementation, you can analyze the following factors.

Business Size

The size of your company is closely related to elements like your budget and the operational needs you anticipate the ERP system to meet. A customized ERP software package that is specifically geared for startups may be your best option. If you handle a larger business you can find it beneficial to invest in off-the-shelf ERP systems.  


Consider a cost analysis of the two ERP solutions. Despite having a higher initial cost, custom ERP solutions offer long-term cost advantages. Whereas off-the-shelf solutions have cheaper initial prices, but their long-term costs become higher. 

Specific Requirements

If you have specific requirements and industry-specific functionality to meet your business needs either solution can help you. The off-the-shelf solutions offer established features and modules, but custom ERPs are tailored to fit the unique needs of your company. 


Consider your organization’s special needs and whether they are compatible with the features of commercial ERP software. Off-the-shelf solutions offer established features and modules, but custom ERPs can be customized to fit unique corporate needs. 

Long-Term Strategy

How about long-term goals? Depending on your unique needs, you can leverage ERP system development with long-term strategies. But, keep in mind that your business may grow and develop, so can your bespoke ERP solutions. On the other hand, pre-built systems may have difficulties adjusting to future modifications. 

Is there a Hybrid Model?

Yes, indeed, there is one, where you would take an off-the-shelf ERP system from any of the providers and then use engineers to modify it, build some plugins and integrations on top to adjust it to your needs. Waverley often has customers who find the ready-made solution not quite up to their needs, but on the other hand, are not ready to face the bigger budgets needed to develop an ERP system from scratch. In that case, Waverley’s engineering team is happy to find a flexible ready solution and suggest the necessary integrations and custom scripts to make it exactly what you were looking for.

Summing Up 

Customized ERP software and off-the-shelf ERP solutions are your two choices when establishing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Your company’s needs and desires are taken into consideration when creating custom ERP software. It has higher flexibility, adaptability, and competitiveness because it is designed specifically for business processes. Off-the-shelf ERP systems, on the other hand, are pre-assembled packages with standardized features and functionalities. Through numerous tests, it has proven to have a cheaper total cost of ownership than specialized ERP software, but they might be too rigid and limited for some of your business needs and objectives.

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