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Easy Tips to Make Organizing Your Webinar Easier


Organizing a webinar is one of the toughest things you can do. First, you need to be an expert in your field to deliver the best webinar. You need to find the right tips to organize your webinar easily. 

You need to first know the purpose of the webinar before setting it up. The main aim of the webinar may be to put your company’s products out there. And you don’t even need to rent a room or get service providers to help you organize the webinar.

Some easy tips can help you organize your webinar easily, and they include. 

Choose the Subject of the Webinar

You need first to choose the right subject for your webinar before starting. This can be the toughest job, as you need to decide on the point of focus for the webinar. While choosing, you need to find the subject area that will most interest your customers. 

One of the best ways to settle on the subject is by analysis. Check out the various subject matters your clients have been asking you about and focus on that. If your customers normally ask questions, you need to focus on that. 

While getting prepared, the first question that will determine the path you will take is “what do your customers want to know more about?’ You can also have a questionnaire set for your community to learn more about what they want. This will easily get you to the subject for the webinar. 

Set the right Platform

You need to have a platform where you will host the webinar, and today you have several options to choose from. You can go for the usual suspects such as Zoom, Google Meets, Skype, YouTube, or even Google Hangouts. The ideal one should be the one your customer finds ideal.

It would help if you looked at several factors before deciding on which Platform you want to go for. The factors include;

  • The maximum and minimum number of attendees
  • Q & A option
  • Video and Audie recording
  • Switching from one speaker to the next – how easy it will be
  • Screen sharing options
  • Cost 

Manage Registration

Registration is one of, if not the most crucial part of your webinar – as much as the video conferencing tool. You can quickly sell your webinar to your community with the registration tool. With stealthseminar’s automated webinar tool, you can easily set up registration with fees. You will quickly create an event with the tool to set up online registration for the webinar. It can be on your site or a dedicated mini-site, and your customers/attendees will enjoy a seamless experience. The good thing is that the attendees will enjoy a secure solution – they won’t have to worry about their financial info. 


You now need to find ways to promote your webinar. A webinar is no good if no one will attend – you need to ensure you have the right amount of attendees. The good thing about the digital space is that you can integrate everything easily. 

For example, you can use your social media handles to integrate registration to manage your bookings easily. If you have already built an online community, you can email them a link to the webinar. But you still have to convince the attendees of what they’ll get. 

One of the best ways to promote your webinar is to ensure the attendees that they’ll leave with the skills they desire. You also need to ensure that they don’t think you’re trying to sell them on something. Assure the audience that they’ll get a chance to ask questions and have an answer session. 

When registration is charged, chances are you will get the best attendance rate. If it’s free, you will only get 50% attendance on a good day. Before you settle on a fee, you need to ensure you have content that sells if you charge for attendance. 

Find the Right Format

It would help if you studied several webinars before settling on the format you want for your webinar. Depending on the objectives and the confidence, you can then decide on the correct format as a presenter. For example, do you want to set up a highly interactive experience or a long speech? 

It can come down to the audience you want to have there too. Do you want to have other speakers or want to do it alone? These are some of the things you need to decide on early. If you have several speakers, you need to have a moderator for the most direct debates. 

What to Talk About

You now need to prepare the material you will be talking about when you deliver the webinar. You first need to write the subjects you will need to address and prepare visual aids for the webinar. It would help if you also had practice –run before the date and see how you come across. 

Your audiences’ attention will be taken away if they see you as a stationary person. You need to find attractive material to get the attention of your audience. You need to have live demonstrations and products and make the webinar visually interesting for the attendees. 

Keep in Touch

Finally, it would help if you found ways to keep in touch with your webinar attendees after it’s done. This is quite possible when you have a small interactive audience for your webinar. After the webinar, larger groups are hard to keep track of personally. 

The aim for this is to monitor the progress of each to ensure they digested the webinar’s content. For those who didn’t attend, you need to explain to them what they missed out on shortly. 

To make the organization of your webinar easy, you need to have structure. It would help if you looked at all the variables and eventualities before going live. Here are some of the best ideas you can use to organize your webinar easily. If you tick all the above boxes, your webinar will be smooth. 


The post Easy Tips to Make Organizing Your Webinar Easier appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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