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Top Technologies For A Productive Hybrid Work Model

63% of high-growth companies are using a hybrid work model. Following the pandemic, this is no surprise, which allowed people to work remotely and experience the benefits of a better work-life balance.

The hybrid work model combines the benefits of remote work with the help of in-office meetings and communications. To keep collaboration and connectivity going when your employees are working remotely, you will need to use the top technologies for hybrid work.

What technologies are available to increase productivity in a hybrid work model? Read on to discover the latest tools to facilitate your hybrid working model and increase productivity alongside employee satisfaction.


Technologies To Keep Your Hybrid Work Model Productive

Productivity can be achieved with a hybrid working model – if you do it right. You need to organize your hybrid working structure to allow employees to communicate and collaborate when out of the office and reserve space in the office.

This section will cover the leading technologies necessary to keep productivity levels high while increasing employee satisfaction with more sleep and less time in traffic.

Cloud-Based Software

When working remotely, your employees need to access up-to-date documents and edit them. You can facilitate this by moving to cloud-based office software. Records will be live and updated from anywhere, meaning out-of-office work won’t decrease productivity.

Access Control

You can integrate RFID door lock solutions with building security technology to provide access logs and restrict unauthorized access to your building. Limiting access will not inconvenience your employees, as they will be able to unlock doors using touchless access cards on their mobile devices without even taking them out of their pocket (depending on the frequency of your reader).

Access door lock systems are beneficial to the hybrid work model. Your office spaces will likely be occupied by different groups each day, and security breaches will be more complicated for your security staff to identify.

To assess which further security technologies are necessary for your business, you need to perform a risk assessment and identify your building’s vulnerabilities.

Visitor Management

Visitor management can be integrated with access control to accurately log the details of employees and visitors, which will be helpful in the event that there is an evacuation drill and all employees need to be accounted for.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing software is necessary for your staff to have quick discussions or hold meetings while working remotely. Messaging services can provide useful means for communication, but replies will be slower, and resolving queries will take longer. This is why it is important to include video conferencing technology in your business plan for the hybrid working model.

Smart Desk Management

Smart desk management allows your employees to reserve desk spaces and board rooms for when they plan to be in the office. This software provides a graphic of your office floor plan, along with information on:

  • Which desks are booked
  • Which desks are available
  • Who has booked each desk

By viewing which desks are booked and who has booked them, your employees will be able to organize their seating arrangements so that teams can be situated together or sit near their colleague friends.

Smart desk management software means that your employees will never arrive at the office to find there isn’t any space for them to work.

Automated Wellness Verification

In the wake of the pandemic, businesses need to ensure that the health of their employees isn’t in jeopardy while they are at work.

You can ensure the health of your employees using wellness verification software paired with access control, which requires employees to fill in a digital survey on their physical symptoms before being granted access to office spaces.

With this software, you can also implement emotional wellness surveys to help promote a culture of mental health awareness in the workplace and help mitigate employee stress. Surveys can help you identify the need for emotional wellness retreats and seminars to facilitate learning on mental health strategies.

Occupancy Management

Occupancy management can help you reduce wasted office space and save money for your business. Using the hybrid work model often means that you can downsize offices, and by integrating occupancy management with your access door lock system, you can identify these downsizing needs.

You will be able to view logs of each room’s use at each point throughout the day. If there are any seriously underused rooms, this is an opportunity for you to downsize your office space and save money for your business.



These technologies are essential to maximizing productivity when using the hybrid work model. An integrated building security system will allow you to manage access and allow employees to reserve spaces while also providing security and health protection for your office spaces for a good ROI.

The post Top Technologies For A Productive Hybrid Work Model appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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