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How to Write a Press Release for Beginners

You’ve probably been using a mix of social media, advertisements, email campaigns, and other strategies to market your small business.

And while these efforts are undoubtedly an effective way to promote your business and its products or services, press releases can gain you even greater attention.

Not only will an effective press release attract more people to your brand, but it will also do so faster than your traditional marketing strategies. 

So, how do you make this happen for your business?

Whether you’re looking to earn local or national attention, a good press release should be in your arsenal.

This blog post covers all the details you need to know about press coverage so you can watch your business get the attention it deserves!

What Is A Press Release?

A press release is a type of public relations (PR) document used to communicate newsworthy information about your business or event.

You typically distribute this to the media, usually in the form of an email.

It’s also published on your website and other digital channels such as social media and search engines.

At its core, a press release should include relevant and interesting information for the media or your target audience. 

For instance, reporters don’t use press release writing to say, “check out this business.”

Instead, this type of media coverage includes meaningful news announcements, such as the following:

  • New service or product launch
  • Opening a new business
  • Hosting an event
  • Partnering with a community organization, celebrity, or charity
  • Hosting a contest or competition
  • Winning an award
  • Sharing a customer success story
  • Business rebranding
  • Promoting new hires

If you need to figure out what a news outlet looks for, it’s worth looking at the coverage that other businesses receive.

Whether it’s in the national or local news, pay close attention to the type of content that these outlets promote and write about.

Additionally, keep in mind that media outlets prefer stories that have the following elements:

  • Timely
  • Affect a lot of people
  • Contain an emotional element
  • Relate to other news stories

Lastly, if your business has a connection to a bigger story, that can help you obtain a newsworthy press release.


Benefits Of Writing A Press Release

Press releases are essential to any public relations strategy as they can help you reach a mass audience quickly and efficiently.

Although other ventures allow you to connect with your audiences, releases are the most beneficial.

Further, here are some potential benefits of writing press releases for your business:

  • Improved trust and credibility
  • Gain more visibility for your business
  • Greater chances at earning news coverage
  • Boost sales by increasing website traffic and conversions
  • Create a sense of urgency around an event or announcement
  • Provide rich content that you can use to share through other digital channels
  • Cost-effective marketing effort

Most importantly, a great press release helps you control your business’s story. 

Good press releases allow you to share what’s important about your company and what value you can offer potential customers.

And, in the event of a crisis, a well-written press release allows you to respond with your own story.


Types Of Press Releases

How to write a press release for your business

Press release distribution comes in several different formats.

Some of the most popular types of press releases include:

  • Product Launches 
  • Business Grand Openings 
  • Business Mergers 
  • Business Acquisitions 
  • Business Events 
  • Rebrands 
  • New Business Partnerships 
  • Business Awards 

Before you write your first press release, it’s critical to understand their differences!


Product Launches

A product launch press release often includes a launch date and background information about the product.

This type of press release also includes details about how the product is unique or different from other products in the same space. 

For instance, a news release for a product launch would include the following details:

  • Pricing
  • Availability
  • Specs
  • Sizing
  • Shipping information
  • Other helpful information for customers

This press release format helps drive sales and makes more people aware of your products!


Business Grand Openings

A press release announcing your new business is a great way to get people talking about your brand right from the start.

Grand opening press releases should contain the following information:

  • Introduce readers to your business
  • Explain what makes your business special
  • Outline what type of products or services you offer

Also, this type of media coverage includes the date and location of the grand opening and details about any special guests or on-site activities.


Business Mergers

Businesses often write press releases when a merger is about to occur.

This type of news release is essential so that both customers and stakeholders understand what is taking place within the organization. 

A media release explaining a merger should contain the following important details:

  • What companies were involved
  • Ownership status of the business
  • Statements from organizational leaders
  • Information about the merger (why it’s happening, new products or services, new employees)

It’s helpful to write a press release about a merger, so there is no customer confusion in the future.


Business Acquisitions

Writing a press release is an excellent idea if your business is about to undergo executive promotions or any other organizational change.

Press releases related to acquisitions provide the following details:

  • An overview of the deal (including the date and why the two businesses made the agreement)
  • Details about the organizations involved in the merger
  • Quotes from individuals in leadership positions
  • Key information about the acquisition

A great press release about an acquisition informs your stakeholders about potential growth. 


Business Events

Press releases for business events focus on the event’s purpose and provide details about it.

Event press releases give relevant journalists something timely to write about (which is critical).

Also, this immediate release is a great way to shape public perception about an upcoming event to get more attendees.

A great press release about a business event should contain the following details:

  • Clearly explain information on the event
  • Bulleted lists
  • When the event takes place
  • Answer the question, “Where will the event happen?”
  • Easy for readers to comprehend

The most critical piece to remember here is that the pertinent details should attract more people to your event! 



Rebranding is challenging, even for larger businesses.

Customers can get easily confused if a brand seemingly changes overnight.

What makes press releases good is that they can help ease this transition into a new phase of your business. 

When writing a news story about a rebranding, it’s essential to include the following details:

  • What changes are occurring
  • Why the changes are happening
  • How rebranding impacts customers
  • When the changes are happening
  • Quotes from company leaders

Additionally, press releases related to rebranding should include details about the history of the business so customers refamiliarize themselves with the brand.


New Business Partnerships

You will want to write a press release when your business expands and forms a beneficial partnership.

Think about it; if there were a new release available on your website, you would want to promote it to drive sales.

The same is true about a news article for business partnerships!

For partnership press releases, you want to make sure that you provide information about both parties involved and why they have decided to partner together. 

This coverage helps customers stay informed about everything going on, allowing for a more personal connection.


Business Awards

If your business won one or several industry awards, it’s certainly okay to share this information with the public!

When you write a press release about a business award, it shows potential customers that your business is relevant and qualified in your niche. 

Press releases about awards should include a short description of the award and what it means for the business.

You can also explain how your business was selected for the award and share any customer or industry feedback that helped you achieve it.

Lastly, sharing a short company description is good for informing potential customers of what your brand does.

So, How Do You Write A Great Press Release?

Before you start writing a press release for your business, knowing and understanding all the different pieces is critical.

Let’s take a look at the elements of a great press release!


Find A Superb Angel

The first step in creating a press release is ensuring it has an intriguing angle.

Even a well-written press release template will only generate traffic if it is interesting. 

Think back to the different press release examples and consider what you are trying to tell your audience.

Then, craft the story so that news outlets HAVE to publish your press release!

The critical point to remember here is to be creative while blending elements from other successful releases.

Remember, you still want to stand out from the pack, but it’s always a good idea to use methods that have proven effective in the past.


Craft A Great Press Release Headline

Creating an attention-grabbing headline is crucial to catching your audience’s eye.

When writing your press release headline, you must write it so it’s clear and compelling.

Also, consider the main subject of your official statement to create a press release headline that describes exactly what the release will be about.

Often, professionals in public relations spend as much time on the subject line as they do with the body copy. 

You can turn to news outlets and notice which headlines make you want to read more as a form of inspiration for your own website press release.


Create An Eye-Catching Summary

The next part of any good press release format is an eye-catching summary.

In this section, you want to quickly summarize your article in a way that:

  • Supports the heading
  • Gets readers excited about the content to follow
  • Introduce readers to upcoming information

Ideally, this summary should be a single sentence. 

However, if you have to split it into two sentences, it’s not the end of the world.

The important thing to remember here is that this is a summary, so you don’t need to tell your audience every single detail.


Start With Essential Information

The next step to any good press release template is putting the essential information first.

In the opening sentence of the first paragraph, you should include the following contact details:

  • The location of your business’s city and state
  • The date your business opened

To follow, the first few lines of the first paragraph should answer the questions “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” and “why” in a way that grabs an editor’s attention. 

The purpose of the first sentence and paragraph is to lay out all the most important details about your business.


Get Supporting Info Out There

The next press release step details all the supporting information about your business.

For example, two to three paragraphs should add life to your press release with details and quotes from company spokespeople.

Also, you can include the following supporting information:

  • Testimonials
  • Research details
  • Case study experts
  • Statistics

The most important thing to remember with supporting information is to keep everything short, sweet, and to the point. 

One of the most common press release errors is that people make them too long.

You want to give an overview of your business and a handful of essential details, not every single piece about your brand.


Create A CTA (Call To Action)

Next, it’s crucial for your press release template to include a call to action (CTA) for your readers.

The CTA should include details about where readers can find more information about your business and the subject matter of the press release. 

A great press release not only includes a concise description of the business and current happenings but also includes a follow-up to attract more customers.


Create The Boilerplate

Before you pitch relevant journalists your press release example, it’s important to wrap everything up with a concise boilerplate.

A succinct boilerplate clearly explains what your company does and why it is relevant in its industry. 

Further, you should include company background information and contact information.

No matter what news location you send your press release to, it will only be useful if a report gets in touch with you.

Traditionally, it’s common to put “###” or “–30–” at the bottom of a press release template to signify the end.

Lastly, ensure you check your content for spelling and grammar errors.

Although it’s a small detail, misspellings and grammatical errors make press releases seem less professional and like you haven’t taken the time to check them.


Hire A Professional Writing Service

Writing a press release template can be a time-consuming process.

From creating an eye-catching headline to developing the perfect call to action, there are many steps involved in crafting a well-renowned press release.

Hiring professional writers to write your press release is beneficial because they have experience and knowledge about what journalists are looking for and how to create a compelling narrative. 

Additionally, a professional writer will be able to craft an engaging press release that is explicitly tailored to the audience you would like to reach.

Also, professional writers have extensive knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO) and can ensure your press release reaches the right target audience with the right keywords.

When you hire press release experts, your content will be able to garner more attention from the media and be more likely to make headlines.



How to write a press release with Verblio

Verblio is perfect if you don’t know how to write a press release and want to leave the work to the professionals.

The team at Verblio knows how to create a press release format that:

  • Drives search engine traffic
  • Reaches a wider audience
  • Earns respect from industry experts
  • It contains knowledgeable and accurate information

Also, Verblio assures your press release will be done in two to three days by a professional writer that understands your niche.

Regarding pricing, Verblio offers incredibly flexible pricing options that are designed to fit any budget.

How to write a press release Verblio pricing

With that, Verblio charges based on the following key details:

  • Word count (300, 600, 1000, 1500, and 2000 word options)
  • Optimizing content
  • Photos included
  • Video included
  • Subscription plan (monthly, quarterly, annually)

Also, Verblio offers a service called Verblio Valet, which they claim is their highest level of service.

Verblio Valet is a monthly charge that makes it easier for you to keep your content on track with the help of a HubSpot Inbound-Certified account manager. 

Even after your press release is originally published, Verblio has several additional content creation services ready for you to utilize.


How To Distribute A Press Release

Now that you know how to write a press release, it’s time to discover how to distribute it to the right outlets!

Even the best press release example doesn’t mean a thing if the business cannot distribute it.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can distribute your press release!


Pitch Media Outlets

Pitch media sources are one of the most effective ways to distribute a press release.

These outlets include:

  • Websites
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • TV networks
  • Radio networks

Further, these outlets take news stories and create content out of them.

The process is simple: you write your press release, send it to a dedicated editor or journalist, and wait for them to decide if your story is newsworthy.

Once the outlet has accepted your press release, it will be published on its website or in a newspaper/magazine/TV broadcast.

This is an effective way of getting your message out there, as many outlets have large readerships and can create potential leads for your business. 

The key to success with pitch media sources is knowing which ones are the best fit for you and crafting a press release strategy tailored to their needs.

For example, if you’re targeting a local audience, consider reaching out to the local newspapers or radio stations in your area.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to reach an international audience, look into global media outlets like the Associated Press or Reuters.

Finally, don’t forget to research niche-specific channels and industry-relevant blogs that might be interested in your story!


Hire A PR Firm

Hiring a PR firm is another excellent way to distribute your press release.

A PR firm can help you craft an engaging press release and then use its network of relationships with media sources to get it published.

Also, they’ll be able to provide valuable feedback on how to make the content more effective, as well as how to craft more effective press releases in the future. 

Additionally, a PR firm can help you with other aspects of your PR strategy, such as:

  • Setting up interviews
  • Creating content for social media
  • Strategizing around potential crises

This kind of comprehensive approach helps make sure that your press release reaches its full potential.


Hire A PR Professional

You can also hire an individual PR professional to help you distribute your press release.

A PR professional has the experience and knowledge to know which outlets are best suited for your message and how to craft an effective press release that will grab their attention. 

They’ll also be able to provide valuable insights into the media landscape and offer creative ideas for getting your press release to the right people.

With a PR professional on board, you can use their connections to create relationships with key influencers in your industry and ensure that your story gets as much visibility as possible.

These professionals understand how media works and can help you leverage it for maximum impact.

The only downside to this approach is that it can get expensive.

Still, if you hire a PR professional with a lot of experience and a proven track record, it may be worth the cost.


Use A Distribution Service

Finally, you can also use a press release distribution service, like PR Newswire, to get your story out there.

Press release distribution services specialize in getting your press release published on hundreds of websites, blogs, and other online media platforms. 

These services use an algorithm to determine which media platforms are most likely to be interested in your story and then distribute your press release to them automatically.

This saves you time and effort as you don’t have to manually reach out to individual media outlets yourself.

Plus, the services usually provide analytics so that you can track how many people read your story and what kind of impact it had on potential customers.

Essentially, these services take your press release examples and make an editor’s note about potential corrections to ensure it’s the best it can be!


How To Generate Buzz With A Press Release

Whether you use a professional service or a free press release template to create your content, the last step is generating buzz!

Social media platforms, emails, and your loved ones are all great tools to build excitement around your press release!

Let’s take a closer look at how you can use these tools to generate a wider audience.


Use Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great ways to spread the word about your press release.

You can share a link to the story, post photos or videos related to it, and encourage followers to comment on and engage with your content.

Also, be sure to use relevant hashtags and keywords when you post so that your content is more likely to appear in search results. 

The great thing about social media platforms is that they are free to use and allow you to get creative when sharing your content.

Make sure you make the content as intriguing as possible to get viewer attention and convince them to share it with their followers.

Further, try to use as many social media platforms as you can.

By utilizing various social media platforms, you can connect with as many people as possible.

Additionally, it shows people how relevant your message is when it continuously pops up on different social media platforms.


Use Your Email Newsletter

Email is another great way to promote your press release.

Compose an email with a link to the story and send it out to any contacts who may be interested in the subject.

Also, consider using email marketing platforms to send out a more significant blast of emails to all of your contacts.

Using your email newsletter on top of social media platforms is an excellent way to connect with your audience.

If this is your first time using an email newsletter, a press release is a great place to start!

Email campaigns help you reach everyone in your business’s contact list quickly without having to send individual emails to each person.

As you can imagine, email campaigns save you a lot of time when you want to get an important message out there!


Text Your Contact List

Don’t forget to tell the people in your contact list about the press release.

Initially, you may feel like a burden sending a message to people you haven’t talked to in a long time.

However, you never know who might be interested in it and who can help you spread the word. 

Also, keep in mind how effective word-of-mouth advertising is.

Someone might receive a text with your press release and share the information with someone else, and so on.

The goal is to get your press release in front of as many people as possible!


Start With Family And Friends

When it comes to releasing your press release example, it’s best to start by contacting your friends and family.

If you have a group of loved ones that continually support you, they will undoubtedly be willing to share the message in your press release.

Additionally, sharing the content with your family and friends first allows some time for initial feedback. 

Let your loved ones know that they can share what they do and do not like about the content you share with them so you have a chance to make it more polished.

By the time the release is ready for social media platforms and more significant media ventures, your family’s feedback with have helped it become a more professional-looking piece of content.


Writing A Press Release Wrap-Up!

Writing a press release, whether you use a service or a free press release template, is an effective and affordable way to get your news out into the world.

Creating an attention-grabbing headline, crafting compelling content, and making sure it’s well-written are all critical steps in writing a successful press release.

You can also hire a PR professional or use a press release distribution service to maximize the potential of your press release.

Lastly, don’t forget to use social media, email newsletters, and even text message contacts to generate buzz around your story.

By following these steps, you can write an excellent press release that will get noticed by the right people!

The post How to Write a Press Release for Beginners appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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