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How to Generate B2B Sales Leads: Tactics that Really Work

If we could ask business owners: What’s the most wanted thing you need in your life?

Their answer would be: I want more and more leads.

For B2B marketers from small to mid-sized companies, they have to struggle to get more clients, and to be a master you need to understand the nuances of selling B2B products and services first. The more you understand the tactic of selling, the more you get qualified leads.

“The sales team owns the sales funnel. But as a B2B marketer, you feed the top of their funnel.”

~ Doug Kessler

In a highly competitive business environment, marketers are constantly faced with the challenge of generating sales leads in the best possible way. They had to use social media channels to keep buyers engaged throughout the selling process.

All you need to know are tactics and techniques to make your B2B sales lead generation more efficient. And you’re about to read the best ways to generate B2B sales leads. Read on!

1. Prioritizing Content Marketing

Yes, content rules in the B2B sector. It plays a critical role in attracting and nurturing leads. Even when it comes to generating B2B leads, companies are heavily relying on creating remarkable content. It’s no surprise that 80% of B2B marketers consider a lead generation to be the top goal of their content marketing efforts.

content marketing goals and metrics

If you truly want to get more clients, you need to create engaging content pieces that leave readers to stay with your B2B product/service.

2. Create a Simple “Give-and-Take” Approach

Let’s do it. It’s a saying: Don’t expect to receive if you’re not willing to give. In B2B terms, we can say: You have to give something if you want leads.

So, what do you give?

A software, an e-book, free webinar session, etc.

Statistics show that 73% of B2B marketers say that hosting webinars is the best way to generate leads. This is because presenting webinars creates an opportunity for your audience to educate them about what you sell and how your B2B products can be useful.


3. Connect and Engage on LinkedIn

There is no doubt that Linkedin is a great place to generate B2B high-quality leads. According to a State of B2B Marketing Report, 89% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn for lead generation, and 62% say it generates them leads, over two times more than the next-highest social channel.

b2b relationships

Building business relationships and b2b connections, you should prioritize the Linkedin platform. We bet your 90% target audience must be there. Go and check right now.

Use Linkedin sales navigator to make social selling easier. Find a group, engage and get involved. Participate in a discussion and share. The more you are active, the more you’ll find better prospects.

4. Use Chatbots to Increase B2B Sales

People want quick responses to their queries or questions. Powered by technology, AI chatbots are an easy way to let your audience stay. They can be used to address customer queries, greet new leads as well.

A 2019 study found that following online leads within 5 minutes makes them nine times more likely to convert into paying buyers.

Aside from lead generation, they can act as 24/7 customer support. Implementing chatbots, B2B businesses could be able to improve client’s journey and retain them for a longer period of time. Be sure to monitor the performance of chatbots.

In case you miss the infographic we’ve published about how email marketing is an effective and winning approach to generate sales for b2b companies.

5. Shoot Email Campaigns

Instead of buying scripted ones, build a list of targeted emails.

Email marketing is a powerful strategy for B2B marketers to generate leads. What else you need, relevant information, and a high level of personalization will work to close more B2B leads.

Segmenting email lists with relevant content also makes it easy for b2b marketers to run email campaigns and track results. According to the State of B2B Digital Marketing Report, email marketing is right at the top of digital channels driving leads and revenues for the U.S. B2B marketers.

marketing Channels that drive leads and revenue

If you create appealing and personalized emails based on the target’s interests, you’ve done half of the job. That’s why it’s essential to know what’s working or what doesn’t.

6. Add Email Signatures to Generate “High Quality” Leads

We know you’ve been sending tons of emails via your company email address right from the beginning of the day. Have you ever thought that each of your emails could be a good opportunity to get more leads?

Well, that’s a headshot way of attaching signatures to emails. Simply state your name and role.

It’s a very unique opportunity to generate B2B leads and attract them to turn into customers. You can even promote a product offered by placing a banner just below the signature, as well as a link to your LinkedIn account or a strong call to action will do even better.

7. Get Leads from Referrals

Far more than believing in ads, your target prospects trust people who had a positive experience with you. Leverage it as much as possible. It’s no surprise that B2B customer referrals are the strongest method of B2B lead generation.

In fact, 86% of B2B buyers make their purchasing decisions from satisfied customers. Consider starting a referral program to generate new leads, who in turn, come straight to purchase your B2B product.

B2B Referral Program

8. Develop Killer Landing Page to Get More Sales

While there’s a lot of room to check where your audience is going, a quick-win strategy to bring more leads is to create a focused landing page. According to Marketo, 68% of B2B businesses use strategic landing pages to generate new sales leads.

Landing pages enable you to get leads data so you can nurture them to turn into potential customers.

  • Create a clean landing page,
  • Use a concise header that should draw buyers,
  • Explain what you’ll offer,
  • State benefits of your product or service,
  • Add a lead form with a clear call to action.

Final Thoughts

For successful B2B lead generation, every B2B marketer should set two goals in mind: to capture high-quality leads and build trust.

We know you’re committed to generating more and more sales but to win this, you’ll need to draft a driven lead capture process and implement tactics to convince prospects.

Now, you’ve questions: Will these tactics help me to get more leads? Will these drive the best results?

Don’t rush and overthinking doesn’t drive the best results. You need to identify the tactics that fit your business and might work. Using these lead generation strategies, you’ll be able to move your customers along your sales pipeline.

Still not convinced? Here are the 12 best email lead generation strategies for b2b businesses.

The post How to Generate B2B Sales Leads: Tactics that Really Work appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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